Introducing our Newest Board Member: Rob Oglesby

Please welcome Rob Oglesby, former head of the California Energy Commission and Air Resources Board to our Board of Directors!

Rob Oglesby has a deep, life-long love for California's natural landscapes. He studied Political Science at UC Davis, which led to a fruitful career as an advocate for the environment in the public and private sector. He comes to the SPF Board with over 40 years of experience working to protect California's unique environments, focusing on energy and infrastructure policies and projects. Rob's impressive background is only topped by his gracious personality and enthusiasm for advancing the SPF's mission.

Rob's passion for the beauty and serenity of the natural world took root growing up at the foot of the Sierras not far from Lake Tahoe. The mountains and forests surrounding Lake Tahoe have been Rob's stomping grounds for decades. As an avid outdoorsman, he has witnessed firsthand the decline of Sierra forest health due to non native disease, wildfires, climate change, bark beetles and other stressors.

Though he only recently learned about the SPF, Rob says he was immediately struck by our "impressive track record of restoring the forest." Because our work is near and dear to his heart, he became a donor right away, quickly followed by offering to bring his skills and experience to SPF's Board of Directors. Of course he was unanimously voted  onto the Board!

Rob accurately yet humbly describes himself as an "experienced Executive Director, legislative advocate and consultant with a demonstrated history of working in government administration, providing strategic and policy advice, and advocacy." He is most well-versed in Energy, Climate Change, Water, Logistics, Transportation and Fuels, Government, Environmental policy and regulation.

Appointed Legislative Director to the California Air Resources Board serving four Governors from 1998-2011, Rob became a tireless advocate for landmark legislation to reduce climate change emissions initially from motor vehicles followed by the economy-wide statutes that guide California’s climate change programs today.

As California Energy Commission Executive Director from 2011-2017, Rob worked to transform those policies into action with the State’s transition to a renewable energy grid and zero emission vehicles. The Commission is the State’s primary energy policy and planning agency and invests in developing and demonstrating new technology to reduce climate change emissions, while ensuring a safe, resilient and reliable supply of energy. The Commission sets nation-leading efficiency standards, licenses power plants, conducts research and supports zero emission vehicles and fueling/charging infrastructure.

Rob’s public sector experience also includes serving as a member or leader on many state committees for environment, energy and infrastructure issues. His private sector experience includes nearly ten years as a legislative advocate for an international law firm representing the firm and its clients before the California Legislature and state agencies. In his partial retirement, he now runs Rob Oglesby Consulting LLC and offers strategic advice on public policy and governmental relations.

Rob enjoys hiking, backpacking, cross country skiing, cycling, fishing and has scaled California’s highest peaks. Although he lives in Davis and the Central Coast, he and his family have a tradition of backpacking in Lake Tahoe each summer. He looks forward to his first sugar pine planting - and so do we!

1458 Mt. Rainier Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 | (650) 814-9565 |