What We Do
We search for white pines resistant to the blister rust fungus – deadly to white pines – and climb them to collect their cones.
The cones we harvest go the US Forest Service to test for major gene resistance to blister rust.
We've already found 70 resistant trees in the Tahoe Basin.
Each year, we harvest more cones from resistant trees so we can plant the next generation.
Every spring and fall, hundreds of community volunteers and schoolchildren help us with plantings.
Our plantings, events, and educational outreach inspire environmental stewardship throughout the community.
As our seedlings grow, we regularly monitor their health to help inform future restoration programs.
Learn more:
About White Pines
Learn how to identify a sugar pine, western white, or whitebark pine.
About Blister Rust
Where did blister rust come from? Why is it such a big problem in Tahoe? How does it affect our pines?
Our Achievements
See the results of our efforts. Learn about where we’ve planted and how much we’ve accomplished!