Seedling GiveAways & Citizen Science in April
Celebrate Earth Day and Become a Citizen Scientist!
Since April is Citizen Scientist Month and many of you will be celebrating Earth Day by picking up seedlings to plant this Saturday, we invite you to become a Citizen Scientist by joining our BRAND NEW Sugar Pine Restoration Monitoring Project on!
Anyone at any age can join our project and become a Citizen Scientist! As a Citizen Scientist, you will help us by providing IMPORTANT DATA!
- where you planted your trees,
- how many seedlings you planted
- when you water
- how many of your seedlings survive over the years!
- photos to show your seedlings thriving!
It's free, open to all and easy to join and be a part of our project - you can even download apps for iPhone and Android phones for super handy data recording!
The more data you help us collect, the better we can assess best planting site characteristics, the effects of watering and monitor our next generation of sugar pines!
Helping to care for and monitor your sugar pine babies will be its own reward!
Join now!
When you join, hit us up at #SPF2020
Seedling GiveAways a HUGE Success!

We gave away 6,000 trees in the space of a few short hours over two weekends in April. The outpouring of support and enthusiasm from the greater Tahoe communities was incredible! We are eternally grateful to all you Sugar Pine Fans who helped plant a record number of seedlings this spring despite - or perhaps because of?! - COVID-19! We were proud to see Tahoe's community members coming out in force to help keep our sugar pines healthy and our forests green!
Thank You, April Donors!
Shani Nichols, Peter Fuszard, Michelle Williams
Meghan Walsh, Julie Frame, Stacia Gordon
Gregory Dering, Jay Newburgh, Monique LeMay
Donna Niemoller, Adam Garon, Vicky Kaleta
Robert Erlich, John Arsenault, Walter Bolitho, Aaron Lang
1458 Mt. Rainier Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 | (650) 814-95sixfive |