Welcome our new Program Assistant – Avery Sigarroa

Avery Sigarroa grew up in the Mojave of southern Nevada but moved north to the Great Basin to pursue a BS at the University of Nevada, Reno. They graduated in 2022 with a double-major in Wildlife Ecology & Conservation and Environmental Science with an emphasis in environmental planning and management. Avery has participated in multiple field disciplines post-graduation including wildlife capturing/monitoring, soils, botany, seed collection, restoration, and hydrology. This last summer Avery worked as a crew lead for a Climate Adaptive Landscape Monitoring Team out of the Eldorado National Forest monitoring the regeneration of the Mosquito Fire burn scar from 2022. 

All their experience to-date has been seasonal, but they hope to land a more long-term or permanent position to expand their skills and experience which is why this winter Avery is excited to lend a hand to the Sugar Pine Foundation in any way they can. 

Avery will be with us until next summer helping to plant trees during the spring, assist with education events and guided snow-shoe hikes, social media, and writing. Avery enjoys hiking in the Tahoe Basin and now is looking forward to recreating during the winter months and enjoying their first season of snow.

We are very glad to have them on our team!

Avery posing in Rattlesnake & Owl Slot Canyon in Page, AZ.

1458 Mt. Rainier Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 | (650) 814-9565 | admin@sugarpinefoundation.org